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Session FAQ

Which type of session is right for me?

I recommend reflecting upon what's been on your mind lately or what's going on in your life and choosing a related session topic. A good question to ask yourself is what has motivated me to look into my chart? Or what insights would I like to gain about myself, my life or a goal? Most clients start with a lunar node session. If you're still not sure, drop me a message in the contact form below and we'll talk about it together.

What to expect during a 1:1 live session?

Each session is different depending on the session type & client's needs, but typically the call will begin with going over the relevant information in your chart, followed by application to your real life, open discussion, guidance, and plenty of time for questions. My consultation style is more conversational than "reading" style, so sharing is encouraged (and confidential)!

How are 1:1 live sessions held?

All video calls are held using Zoom. After you book your session you will receive a confirmation email with the Zoom link. You'll also receive a reminder email 24 hours prior to your session with the Zoom link again for ease of access.

Can't find booking availability?

My calendar opens availability on a rolling 30 day basis into the future, starting from the current date. This keeps it fair for everyone who'd like to book and reduces cancellations. I'll be real with you - they do tend to fill up fast - so I invite you to check back soon :)

The scheduler will automatically reflect your local time zone when booking with any difference already taken into account.

How do you accept payment?

I use PayPal for all transactions. PayPal keeps your payment details secure & private, accepts almost all credit & debit types, & does the currency conversation automatically for international clients too.

What is your cancelation/rescheduling policy?

If you need to, please cancel or reschedule your session at least 48 hours prior to your scheduled time using the "cancel or reschedule" link in your confirmation email from Calendly.

What kind of astrology do you practice?

Western/tropical - I combine traditional, modern psychological, and evolutionary astrology into my work to create a well rounded experience and understanding for my clients. As each session and client's goals vary, I've found that accessing this combination allows each experience to be further deepened and individualized.

Is this still for me if I don't have a spiritual practice?

Yes of course! Astrology itself has mathematical and observational roots. If you do have a spiritual practice, that’s great! We can deepen it and help tailor it to your success. If not, no worries!

Where can I get in touch with you directly?

Write to me using the form below and I'll get back to you promptly via email :) I'd love to connect with you!

For collaborations and business inquiries, drop a note in the form below! I love working with like-minded professionals.

Wait, what's YOUR birth chart like?

Capricorn, Capricorn and more Capricorn ;) My social media followers and friends affectionately refer to me as "human Saturn" due to the Capricorn essence I can't help but exude and my signature Capricorn symbol on my office wall that you'll almost always see behind me on video.

Let's Work Together!

Have questions? Ready to dive in but not quite sure where to start? Contact me directly, I'm happy to help! :)

Thanks for submitting!

Contact BP
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